Thursday, January 17, 2019


GP1: Coaches. My coaches are the first guarantor power that had popped into my head once we started our final project. I had chosen them because my coaches look over me and advise me as I develop over the course of my sports. The power that all my coaches have over me is the power and ability to transform me from being not so mature to a mature individual. I have learned many life lessons throughout every sport I've played and I have learned those lessons from my coaches. They view me as a strong, athletic, competitive individual that will not give up and will give all my effort into what I am doing to make sure that I will achieve my goal.

GP2: Mom, Dad, both are my parents and I considered them as my other guarantor power due to the fact that both of them have supported me through life as I grow up. I chose them because they mean the world to me and I do also in their eyes. The power both my parents have over me is that they will shape me into the man I am supposed to be and will do whatever it takes to make sure I am safe and healthy. They have raised me and supported me through sports, academics, and hobbies, and have never stopped. They view me as a studious kid that will work hard to get the job done. 

  • weights: I had placed a photo of me lifting weights because I lift almost daily and enjoy it. This relates to my guarantor power because they view me as a strong, hardworking, individual and this photo represents me putting in the work to get stronger and more skilled for the next sport.
  • football field: Football is my favorite sport and always has been, I had to include a photo of the field in the picture. I had overlayed the field on top of the picture of me lifting to represent I am working hard in the weight room so I can be able to get to the field stronger and better. This relates to my guarantor because they train and coach me on the field.
  • football picture: I overlayed a photo of me during a football game to represent that my hard work outcomes in a game where I can have fun and enjoy myself. My guarantor relates to this because my guarantor is my coach and sees me while I play in the game.

  • balancer: I placed a balancer on my head to represent myself balancing school and sports at the same time. I am always working hard in school and sports to get where I want to be for both; a great athlete and a great student.
  • football award: I placed my football award in the photo because I wanted to symbolize my achievements in sports. I have always been great and I keep on getting better by working my hardest.
  • calculator: I represented school within my calculator. I do this because in the classroom, I always need my calculator in some way and it is the object I use most besides a pencil.
  • tualatin hs logo: In the background I had placed the logo of my high school. I placed this photo here to symbolize everything. Everything goes on at this high school for me, school or sports. It presents a balance of everything and always has.

  • computer: The computer symbolizes school, work, and knowledge. My final guarantor power (parents) have always thought of me as a studious child and this is the perfect example to present the view of my parents within the computer.
  • notes: The notes overlayed in the background present a thought of studying. When I am home, my parents always know I am studying and always want me to study. Notes are a way I use to study and many others use this way also. 

               The process I had gone through to make this piece took a while but that time spent to process this piece was worth it. I brainstormed on the packet given to us to come up with my finished product. Once I had finished my brainstorming, I used photoshop to do a lot of overlaying on original photos to get to the final product. There are many ways I could improve if I did a project like this again. I would use more photoshop skill to expand my imagination. Cloning would be the perfect way to show different thoughts in my mind.

               I do think I met my standards for sure in this project. I had done a lot of work to create this piece and it was worth the time. The only thing I could have done better is add in more symbolism to make the piece feel more alive. What I found frustrating about this is the fact that I had to make many overlay changes and it was a lot to do. Another frustrating thing was restarting, I had accidentally deleted my first guarantor photo and had to retake it and re-edit it. 

              I believe I did work in a different way than others. I had completely taken the background out of an original photo and replaced it with new symbolization to show more meaning in my photos. The grade I would give myself is a 4. I say this because I put much work into composing my pieces and had a lot of fun. This project was meant to expand my mind and have fun and I definitely did both of those while working on this final!

              One thing I would like to improve upon is being more precise with my edits. With each edit I made over this project I had sometimes gotten lazy to make perfect cuts or sizes for my pictures which isn't great. I know if I had to do another project similar to this I would for sure be more precise and less lazy with my cuts. Things I might want more help with in this project and classroom are more slower instruction times for projects. Sometimes I have gotten caught behind in work and forget to do some things because the tempo is super fast as we go through the project.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


These two photos are part of my daydream and nightmares. The photo on the left represents a content feeling due to the two other people, my younglife leader and a good friend of mine. The photo on the left represents a dark gloomy area with a tint of light and you wont know what else is around the area giving you a frightening feeling.

Monday, October 15, 2018

MACRO (Aperture) 8+

-optional: tint

Tuesday, October 2, 2018



Friday, September 28, 2018